
Publication: Clinical experience with shear wave elastography

23. July 2024

We congratulate our colleague Jürgen Jenne and his co-authors for his recent publication on Clinical experience with shear wave elastography (SWE) for assessing healthy uterus in a transabdominal approach.

SWE is a non-invasive imaging modality that measures the elasticity of tissues and which is widely applied to assess liver-related diseases like liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. But also in the field of gynecology, ongoing research is exploring the potential clinical benefits for diagnosis of uterine malignancies.

The aim of the current study was to investigate the uterine sono-elastographic characteristics in healthy women as reference measure for reasonable statements about pathological processes.

New Publication

16. July 2024

Congratulations to our colleagues Hannah Strohm, Jürgen Jenne, and Matthias Guenther and their co-authors for their publication on “Contraction assessment of abdominal muscles using automated segmentation designed for wearable ultrasound applications”.
Click here to open the publication.

In the now ending research project ULTRAWEAR they aimed at supporting physiotherapy by measuring activation a deep abdominal muscle – the Transversus Abdominis – on ultrasound images.

In the figure below you see the original ultrasound image with automatic segmentations of Obliquus Internus, Obliquus Externus, and Transversus Abdominis muscles. Below you find the classification results, which give a hint on correct or incorrect training of the patient who is supposed to contract the deep muscle during exercise.
ULTRAWEAR was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under Grant 01EC1906D

Thank you! ASPIRE Project Team

09. July 2024

We are thrilled to announce the successful completion of the EU Horizon 2020 project ASPIRE!
Our collaborative efforts have led to the development of an innovative new prototype for one-click perfusion analysis of ASL images. You can find a demo version of ExploreASL in mTRIAL here

ASL (Arterial Spin Labeling) is a cutting-edge MR imaging technique for contrast agent free perfusion imaging of the brain. It holds immense promise in improving the diagnosis and treatment monitoring of Alzheimer’s Disease. Especially for older adults with cardiovascular risk factors, ASL could be a game-changer.

Thank you all for your hard work and dedication, Gold Standard Phantoms,
Hochschule Darmstadt, Amsterdam UMC and mediri GmbH

mediri Team Outing

26. June 2024

Exciting Team Outing at mediri GmbH!

Our annual company team outing kicked off with a scenic hike along Heidelberg’s Philosophenweg, surrounded by lush greenery and breathtaking views.

After our invigorating hike, we relished an engaging guided tour of the ‘Brewery zum Klosterhof‘, where we explored the intricacies of brewing and savored delightful local beers. Did you know that they brew beer with holy water there?

Despite unpredictable weather, our spirits soared as we gathered on the office rooftop terrace for a lively barbecue. Good vibes all day long!

ASL image evaluation for brain perfusion analysis

18. June 2024

Tired of deploying image evaluation scripts on your local machine? ASL image evaluation for brain perfusion analysis can be as easy as this: click, click.
Watch this video to see how images are uploaded from your local network to the central mTRIAL server – pseudonymization on the fly and image categorizaton included.

DeepRAY project: new paper

13. June 2024

Congratulations to our DeepRAY project partners at Universitätsmedizin Mannheim for publishing a paper on “Streamlining Acute Abdominal Aortic Dissection Management” based on an AI-based CT Imaging Workflow.

Within this InvestBW project funded by the Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Tourismus Baden-Württemberg, we will integrate the presented algorithm into mTRIAL and analyse the benefits of automatic AI-based image analysis on fast external servers for clinical routine and patient management.

Implementation Explore ASL in mTRIAL

03. June 2024

Just imagine… evaluating brain perfusion on arterial spin labeling images was just one click away. Watch this video to see how we implemented Explore ASL in our mTRIAL platform to facilitate and standardize your next clinical study on neurodegenerative diseases.

Stay tuned to see how easy your data reaches mTRIAL.
Contact us for more information on ASL imaging and analysis.

World Multiple Sclerosis Day

30. May 2024

World Multiple Sclerosis Day, as a day of global solidarity, emphasizes the need to raise awareness of this disease, improve diagnosis and treatment, and fund research to curb multiple sclerosis.

At mediri we develop and refine structural analysis methods to support the diagnosis and follow-up of multiple sclerosis.
An important imaging biomarker for MS is smouldering lesions. Their AI-aided detection on MR images also makes disease activity visible that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

International Clinical Trials Day

20. May 2024

Today is International Clinical Trials Day. Let’s celebrate this event and raise awareness about clinical trials while expressing our gratitude to all clinical research professionals worldwide.

Why you should use mTRIAL in an IIT

14. May 2024

Investigator-Initiated Trials (IITs) are pivotal in medical research, driven by independent investigators to explore new avenues and innovative medical approaches. These trials contribute significantly to advancing medical knowledge.

At mediri, we take pride in supporting researchers and clinicians in their IITs. With our expertise in imaging, we provide crucial assistance for these trials.
If you’re interested in learning more about our work or are involved in IITs, feel free to reach out to us.