
These numbers again stress the importance of research in breast cancer detection and relapse prediction. We are proud to be part of the Marie-Sklodowska Curie network bosomshield.eu aiming at the combination of clinical, pathological and radiological data for better treatment and therapies. Still, early detection of breast cancer is one of the most important factors for successfull treatment, so be mindful and take care of yourself!

World Alzheimer’s Day is a global effort to raise awareness and challenge the stigma around Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia. Do you know the differences between Alzheimer’s and dementia?
Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s is one of several potential reasons for this decline, among them Frontotemporal Dementia, Huntington’s Disease, Parkinsons’s, or Vascular Dementia. Functional brain imaging is a cornerstone for the differentiation between all these different types of dementia and can support patient management as well as the research for potential therapies.
Perfusion imaging with Arterial Spin Labeling MRI has the potential to differentiate between Alzheimer’s and FTD but lacks standardization. In the ASPIRE project we develop an easy-to-use ASL evaluation tool that helps physicians to compare the brain perfusion pattern of a patient to a healthy control group. For more information visit aspire-mri.eu and alz.org.

Have you read one of the latest publications on iron rim lesions in multiple sclerosis by our research partners at the Universitätsmedizin Mannheim? The authors around Prof. Achim Gass conclude that iron rim lesions are associated with higher intrathecal immunoglobin G synthesis. Furthermore, CSF-mediated intrathecal smouldering inflammation could explain a CSF-related gradient of tissue damage.
Read the publication here.

We proudly announce that the ASPIRE team has a new member: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences joins the consortium and brings in expertise for AI-based brain image analysis and atlas creation. Together we will establish a platform independent dementia diagnosis support based on arterial spin labeling images.

We proudly announce the release of our new mTRIAL version. For the first time it incorporates a webbased comprehensive DICOM image viewer for platform independent and real time access of clinical trial data. Central read workflow planning and execution has been upgraded for even more reliable and efficient review of radiological data. mTRIAL 3.4. – ready to support your next image based clinical trial.

We proudly announce that mediri has been awarded as Digital Innovator 2023 in the category „medical technology and pharmaceuticals“ by CHIP. In times of digitization, CHIP and data analysis specialist Globis Consulting have studied the innovative power of German companies and institutes in digitization. CHIP is known as one oft the top recommendation brands. 
See the full ranking here. 

If you have two minutes, take a look at this aerzteblatt article about artificial intelligence that is mentioning mediri and the DeepRAY project.

The easiest way to use FreeSurfer for brain volume measurements? Upload your FLAIR images to mTRIAL and enjoy the magic.
Interested? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

mediri and Gold Standard Phantoms aim to ready ASL for clinical trials | Sunday, 08. May 2022 | Details & registration: editor(AT)asl-network.org
For more information on our visions visit http://aspire-mri.eu/