Today, we are filled with joy and gratitude as we celebrate our 20th anniversary.
Two decades of innovation, challenges, and successes are behind us. We are proud of what we have achieved together and extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated employees, loyal customers, and reliable partners for their support and trust.
Looking to the future, we are ready to explore new paths and continue developing innovative solutions that drive us forward. Together, we will shape the next years of success.
Today is International Clinical Trials Day. Let’s celebrate this event and raise awareness about clinical trials while expressing our gratitude to all clinical research professionals worldwide.
We are extremely happy to have a third sponsor on board for our ASL Network Dinner 2024 in Singapore: Quantified Imaging.
A warm welcome to Professor Michael Chappell and Dr Tom Kirk who span out their company from the University of Nottingham in 2023.
To register for the event, please click here.
More info on the sponsors: mediri, Gold Standard Phantoms, Quantified Imaging
Did you know that Parkinson’s disease is the fastest-growing brain disease? At the same time, Parkinson’s disease is so variable, almost no 2 individuals’ symptoms and progression are the same. That is why at mediri, we are working every day to improve the diagnosis and therapy of Parkinson’s disease using advanced MR Imaging and Focused Ultrasound techniques.
For more details, you can have a look at this publication on automatic planning of MR-guided transcranial focused ultrasound treatment or this review article on blood-brain barrier dysfunction imaging.
We see a rapidly increasing need for medical imaging in clinical trials and in the development of standardized imaging biomarkers. In 2022, more than 1900 clinical trials were registered in Germany. In many of them, medical imaging is used in as a primary, quantitative and surrogate biomarker.
New AI developments across the healthcare industry, with radiology at the forefront, continue to increase the need for medical imaging core lab services.
As an Imaging CRO and Core Lab, we make your image-based clinical trials more efficient, faster and safer. This is especially important when it comes to multi-center studies that place high demands on comparability of image data.
Contact us to discuss our medical imaging solutions for reliable clinical trial results.
Thank you for a great symposium in Frankfurt about clinical trial sample contracts 2.0 – Advancing implementation together. The symposium with 200 participants was jointly organized by (BVMA), Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie, MFT Medizinischer Fakultätentag der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V., KKS-Netzwerk e. V. and the Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V. (VFA).
It was very enriching to receive new input and to have fruitful discussions. Perhaps just a small step, but an important one in making Germany more attractive as a place for clinical research.
Many thanks to Marylène Lejeune and Carlos López Pablo at Hospital Verge da la Cinta in Tortosa for hosting our PhD Candidate Yaqeen Ali for his first secondment within the BosomShield project. Yaqeen now knows a lot more about histopathologic imaging and will work on integrating these images into mTRIAL for AI-supported prediction of breast cancer relapse probability.
Click here for more information on this project:
Did you know that today is world clinical trials day? And did you know that mediri is working constantly to improve standardization of Arterial Spin Labeling MR Imaging for clinical trials? In the ASPIRE project ( we are developing a web platform for easy and manufacturer independent analysis of ASL images for dementia diagnosis.
Want know more about this topic? Join us on ISMRM 2023 in Toronto and come to the ASL Dinner which is hosted by mediri GmbH and Gold Standard Phantoms.